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RC1 - Time rules in simple queues - how does it work?

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 6:16 pm
by kjagus
I have created two parallell rules for the same flow (p2p) - one for a night, one for a day. But MT ingores time rules - the flow is thru the "night" rule all the day. How should I configure IT or is it a bug??


Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 5:24 pm
by Eugene
Maybe you will share your configuration to make us able to help you?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 11:24 pm
by kjagus
the first i found - the winbox in rc1 create an incorrect entries in script - he converts hours into minuts etc - so it's clear bug

now when i replaced values with correct ones (i think) my queues shows:
96 name="DSL4-UL-p2p" dst-address= interface=DSL4 parent=DSL4 flows=F_UL_DSL4_p2p priority=8 queue=default/default
limit-at=0/0 max-limit=120000/120000 total-queue=default time=0s-8h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat

108 name="DSL4-UL-p2p-day" dst-address= interface=DSL4 parent=DSL4 flows=F_UL_DSL4_p2p priority=8
queue=default/default limit-at=0/0 max-limit=20000/20000 total-queue=default time=8h-0s,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
...and they still doesn't work (ingored time rules - works only rule 96 all the time)
what do I do wrong?
